
ChiaChia's Savory Eggplant Salad 涼拌茄子
This is a dish that will change your mind about eggplants. The eggplant is savory and buttery! I haven't had anyone turn down this dish when I serve it, even...
ChiaChia's Savory Eggplant Salad 涼拌茄子
This is a dish that will change your mind about eggplants. The eggplant is savory and buttery! I haven't had anyone turn down this dish when I serve it, even...

Fly's Head 蒼蠅頭 (aka ...
Fly's Head?! Are you serious? I've heard people eating exotic food, but does Chinese really eat Fly's Head?! Relax! It's just to describe how the fermented dry black bean look...
Fly's Head 蒼蠅頭 (aka ...
Fly's Head?! Are you serious? I've heard people eating exotic food, but does Chinese really eat Fly's Head?! Relax! It's just to describe how the fermented dry black bean look...

Baked Clams on a bed of Enoki Mushrooms 奶油金針菇烤蛤蠣
This is a dish that I created a while ago for a BBQ party. I used aluminum foil to wrap the enoki mushrooms and the clams back then. It was...
Baked Clams on a bed of Enoki Mushrooms 奶油金針菇烤蛤蠣
This is a dish that I created a while ago for a BBQ party. I used aluminum foil to wrap the enoki mushrooms and the clams back then. It was...